Together we can make Colorado a safer and more just place for all.
Join Bring Our Neighbors Home and Harm Reduction Action Center for Overdose Awareness Week of Action 2023
We are a coalition-based organization dedicated to ending mass incarceration, racialized policing, and cash bail in Colorado.

Current Initiatives
2023 Legislative Session
We’re advocating for bills that will protect our most vulnerable neighbors from the harms of an unjust criminal legal system.
Alternate Responder Programs
Alternate responder programs remove the harm of police interaction with our vulnerable neighbors by offering "person-centric mobile crisis response" to community members who are experiencing problems related to mental health, depression, poverty, homelessness, or substance abuse issues.
Photo: Kevin Betty, Denverite

Colorado's use of arrest to respond to low-level offenses is ineffective, harmful and deadly, especially to our neighbors of color and those struggling with houselessness or mental illness.
increase in Colorado’s jail population since the 1970s as arrests have become the first response to homelessness, substance abuse, and mental illness.
of people in Colorado jails are unconvicted, held in jail pretrial because they cannot afford to pay money bond.
Learn More about wealth-based detention
of arrests in Colorado from 2013-2020 were for alleged low-level offenses, such as traffic violations and non-violent petty offenses.
of police killings in Colorado from 2013-2020 began in response to an alleged low-level offense, mental health call, or situation where No crime was alleged.
of people in Colorado's jails are Black, despite making up only 5% of the population.
Learn More about racialized policing in Colorado.
of people in Colorado's jails at any given time suffer from a mental illness.
Learn More about the harm of our carceral system against people with disabilities.
We love coalition building.
Connect with us for easy ways to action to pass legislation and enact policy and programs that protect our most vulnerable neighbors in Colorado.